Our International Business Administration study in Sport Business Management, is for students who are passionate about sport and want to gain management and leadership skills in this expanding and exciting industry.
Your study will focus on business principles in the field of sport, an area that is growing in its importance and impact nationally and globally. The sports industry employs hundreds of thousands of people worldwide, providing graduate career opportunities in a wide range of sports-related businesses and organizations.
You will experience a dynamic blend of academic study, practical application, research, and hands-on experience via your work placement. Combining practical experience with academic study, will help fully equip you with a broad understanding of the international and commercial aspects of the sport business industry. This balance of knowledge and practical skills is designed to prepare you for career success in this fast-paced and growing industry.
Starting dates: August 27, 2018 – October 15, 2018 – December 3, 2018, February 11, 2019 – April 1, 2019 – May 20, 2019.
You can apply until: 2-4 weeks before the entry date of choice. In case you do not apply before the deadline, your application will be automatically changed into application for enrollment for the next block, unless you desire otherwise.
Degree title: Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
Programme intensity: Full-time
Program duration: 4 years
Fast track: 3 years
Language: English
Program location: Apeldoorn
Tuition fee per year: €7.500
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